
Perfektā dāvana bērnam. No jaundzimušam līdz pirmsskolas vecuma bērnam un pat lielākam. Unikālas dāvanas, kas paliks atmiņā.


Radīts Latvijā no sirds



“Finally a gift for my grandson that is both – nice and useful. Most of the gifts I usually got him were put aside very fast. But as for the backpack – it is already the second year he is using it – and he takes it with himself every time coming to me. 

He really likes that the bag has his name and he absolutely loved the dinosaurs on it. In some ways the bag also teaches him to take care of his stuff and organise it. He knows how pack his stuff.”

Marge Stevens


“Rainy walk with stroller? No longer a problem for us. They got a lot happier with the designed rain covers.”

Justine Mcgowan


“Was a bit surprised about the fast delivery to USA. Only 5 working days from the order and the backpack was here. Not even mentioning that my daughter loves it and even goes to bed with it. Would definitely recommend this seller.”

Kamila Frye

Gifts for kids

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